Our household has sustained a complete
upset to the regular routine.
What was once a place of peaceful
retreat, gazing upon the wonders of Nature as the river slides past
has been transformed to the epicenter of activity, dis-organization,
noise and in general a whirling dervish.
“What”, you ask, “has caused such
a state of affairs?”
The short answer is:
Lovely Bride and I are animal-lovers from way back. Followers of this
site know of a parade of dogs, cats, and other critters.
present dog, Mimi, is politely referred to as “a senior canine
citizen.” In less genteel times, she would be called a “pretty
old dog”. Her once black markings are now silver, her gait has
slowed, and her activity level is reminiscent of a snail on Valium.
is obvious to even the most casual of observers the sand is running
out of her hour glass. Losing a pet is extremely difficult; my heart
has several dog and cat shaped holes acquired over the past 4
order to blunt the edge of losing another dog, the only sensible
thing to do is: GET ANOTHER DOG.
the surface, it is the most sensible thing in the world to do. In
practice....perhaps a bit more thought should have gone into this.
weeks ago, a bouncing bundle of loose white skin, shiny black eyes,
black button nose, and teeth that would be the envy of any barracuda
arrived in our lives. I won't belabor the how and who and what that
led to this momentous event; suffice it to say the back-story is
somewhat convoluted.
carefully introduced the puppy (named after a former President. No it
is NOT Ronnie or George)
Mimi in a neutral setting. As Mimi perceives me as “the big dog”,
my Lovely Bride dropped Mr. President, myself, and our grand-daughter
off while she went and gathered up Mimi. Being in a neutral area,
with me having the puppy set the stage for their relationship. Mimi
was not threatened or aggressive toward the little guy. While she
didn't fling the door open, and help move his stuff into the house,
she didn't attempt to tear him asunder either. In fact, she pretty
much ignored the little guy. For a day.
had not been exposed to puppies other than her litter mates. As a
result, she really didn’t know how to play. When the little guy
would come darting up to her, yipping, assuming the “play with me”
puppy pose, she looked at him as if thinking “Go away, Kid... you
bother me.” Finally, she would make a playful grumble and feint at
him. He would skitter away, stubby tailing wagging. Back he would
come, she would feint again. Eventually, she would get up and chase
after him. They would stop, looking at one-another. Then, like a
shot, they would take off, him chasing after her. This would go on
for some time.
has since learned nipping her on the butt is an effective way to get
her to chase after him. If he gets too aggressive, she will plow into
his side with her head, rolling him over a couple times. The little
fellow will scramble to his feet, walk over to her, and lie down,
almost as if apologizing to her for getting carried away. After some
nuzzling; the game is on again.
the above is so heartwarming, so Disney-esque (old school Disney);
our home underwent a bit of adjusting, shall we say.
had not had a puppy in nearly 10 years.
the puppy we had was from a litter we had bred. As a result, there
was no “puppy's first night away” to deal with.
we had a litter of pups, our home was fairly well puppy proofed.
first night, he was less than thrilled to be alone. The second night
he was with us, my Lovely Bride ended up sleeping on The Sacred White
Couch with him cuddled beside her.
since, he has been a good sleeper, not making a sound until morning.
is amazing how our brains repress traumatic incidents. We had
forgotten just HOW MUCH WORK
my gosh... it is like having a toddler in the house again!!
it is like having TWO toddlers in the house!!!
little guy is a perpetual motion machine... until he finally
collapses! Then, we have a brief respite which allows my Lovely Bride
& I to put everything back together, do some house work, and
gulp down more coffee. Oh yeah, also apply dressings to the barracuda
teeth induced wounds.
retires to her favorite spot under a kitchen chair, eyes closing as
soon as her chin hits the floor. The poor old girl is wiped out! In
her mind, she is singing the canine version of the Hallelujah Chorus.
go back over the storm path, spraying everything with the stop-chewing
product that I am convinced tastes like roast beef gravy; he is
unfazed by it.
Mom, about the corner of The Sacred White Couch. Hey, the antique
stores go for the “gently used” look Think of it as adding a bit
of savoir faire to the piece. Gives it a more rustic feel, know what
I mean?
also discovered a new wrinkle which was not so prevalent a decade
ago. Communication wires.
you know dogs find the texture and flavor of computer cables
absolutely addictive? Neither did we.
“Yummy-Yumm Spray”... with about the same results as those seen
by the couch.
am particularly perplexed by the phenomena known as “Chewed the toy
once, it is now unclean."
little fella has nearly as many chew toys, squeaky toys, you name it
toys as the pet supply store.
brand new one will hold his attention for a full 6 or 7 minutes.
Then, he will leave it... rarely to use it again!Even the trick of putting all the toys in a a bowl (stainless steel, the most resistant to Mr. Barracuda Jaws) so he can find “new” ones isn't working! This puppy is just too smart!
we have gotten past the “What were we thinking?” phase. He is so
cute, so adorable, that only lasted about ½ a day. Like any new
parents, our baby can do no wrong. He is just being his unique little
Mimi... well Ike (yes, we inadvertently have Ike and Mimi) has
infused her with joy of life once again.
I am not mistaken, there appears to be more sand in her hour-glass.
Come to think of it, mine seems a bit fuller.
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