The other day I passed the new “Welcome to Eastlake” sign.
Let me clarify, as I had passed the new sign scores of times. I should say “the
other day I was able to take a moment to actually look at the new 'Welcome to
Eastlake' sign”.
The new sign stands at the corner of Vine Street and S.O.M.
Center Road. The former Welcome sign and plantings had succumbed to injuries
sustained when a car crashed into it. It is my understanding the remains were
interred in a private, non-disclosed location. A brief memorial service for the
former sign was held at the time of interment.
The new one is a
bright blue, white, green and brown affair. White space, lots of white space,
is apparent. A nice font welcomes one and all to the city. There is a rendering
of a river, bordered by Lodge Pole Pines, cascading over a waterfall, and
forming either a wider river, or a lake; depending upon one’s perspective.
Huh…. A waterfall. I was somewhat puzzled by this being part
of the sign. Having lived in Eastlake for 3 decades now, I have yet to see any
magnificent waterfalls. The nearest “waterfall” I could recall was the Daniels
Park dam. Yet, that was washed out in January of 2005 during heavy rains and
flooding. Besides; can a man-made “low head” dam be called a waterfall? Yes, water spilled over it, creating a falls.
Regardless, the dam was located up-stream of Eastlake, in the City of
Having grown up in Mayfield Village, the Chagrin River has
been a constant in my life. I cannot recall any natural falls upon the Chagrin,
save for the ones located in Chagrin Falls. The nearest natural falls to the
Chagrin I am aware of are Buttermilk Falls. It is important to note that
“Buttermilk Falls” are NOT made of buttermilk. If they were buttermilk, come
around July, a more apt name would be Yogurt Falls.
Two rather significant points however; these falls (they are
captivating to observe, exciting to traverse) are located on a tributary stream
to the river. Secondly, Buttermilk Falls are located in Cuyahoga County. A
pretty far stretch to suggest Buttermilk Falls would be represented on a City
of Eastlake sign wouldn’t you say?
Thoughts of the waterfalls raised further questions
regarding the Lodge Pole pines. Here
again, stretching my memory, I could not for the life of me recall stands of
Lodge Pole pines. White pines, larch, juniper… yes. Stately Lodge Poles??? Not
so much.
Again, the only Lodge Poles I can recall are located in the
Chagrin Reservation Park, and the Holden Arboretum.
The Chagrin is bordered by cottonwoods, maples, oaks, ash,
hickories, and the above mentioned conifers. Not a Lodge Pole to be found along
her banks.
Surely, one can appreciate my puzzlement over these seeming
inaccuracies on the welcome sign.
Maybe someone found it in a Bargain Basement sale.
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