Monday, May 13, 2013


This writing is somewhat devoid of the usual humor.

Readers are advised there are not too many

giggles contained within. Guffaws are


Thank you.

This morning, while heading into the office, I heard a not-so-new song on our local country station.

Yes, I admit it; I listen to the country station from time to time. I realize this may be a shock to some who have the belief my radio can only receive a certain Moody Broadcasting station. Nope, it has diversity.

The song was “If I Die Young”, by the Band Perry. The story line is a young girl singing about the possibility of her too-sudden demise. While the “why” and “wherefore” precipitating her demise are some what obscured, there is the haunting refrain of “the sharp knife of a short life”.

That has stuck with me through-out the day. Oh, I have heard this song numerous times; but not before have the lyrics lingered in my mind.

This is not the “OH MY... this song is stuck in my head & driving me nuts!!” thing. No, Brad Paisley's “Southern Comfort Zone” and the Getty's “In Christ Alone” are usually stuck in the re-play loop. While not Mozart, they do surpass “Pop Goes the Weasel” or “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”

Recently, our daughter-in-law's younger brother was killed in a traffic accident. The young man was only 23. Family and friends who knew him are feeling the sharp knife of a short life. Cliches come to mind, Billy Joel singing “Only the Good Die Young” makes a resurgence in one's memory. Then, Life goes on.

Yet, what constitutes a short life?

Is there a line denoting when a sufficient amount of time has passed?
Is a life counted in length of days? Or number of experiences one has?
To some, I have seen relative length of days.
From my perspective, I am looking forward to many, many more sunrises.

Is the pain of losing a loved one lessened because of an accumulation of years?
From personal experience, I can attest such is not the case.

And... sharp knives.

Geez; Life is filled with sharp knives.
The undeserved angry response.
The quickly spoken critical word
The “joking around” which no-one else finds amusing.
The forgiveness with-held.

How many survivors regret the last words which were passed before a person was lost?
How many times have we thought “If I had it to do over....”?

The Lord knows I have wielded far too many sharp knives.

He also knows how regretful I am.

One thing about crossing a few hills; one either mellows, or one becomes more acidic.

I attempt to keep in mind the advice of Thomas Jefferson: “When angry, count to 10. When very angry, count to 100.”

The wisest man Solomon wrote: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

I also try to remember the words of a First Century Middle Eastern carpenter “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself....”

Then, his brother turns around to state “but no human being can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”

Life has enough sharp knives of its own.
The life cut short.
The debilitating illness.
The relationship torn apart.
The loss of a beloved pet.

We don't need to add more to the mix.

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