Thursday, February 14, 2013


This morning, I approached my former BFF  a.k.a. The Scale of Truth.
Oh yes, the same smirk was there.
Yes, the same malevolent gloat.
Grudgingly I tapped the power button with my big toe.
I semi-interestedly stepped upon the cool surface.
With clinical detachment, I watched the dancing green lights.
And... watched the dancing green lights.
And....watched the dancing green lights some more.
Finally, the screen shouted ERROR.
Well... I can assure you, I made no error in stepping upon a scale. I may be old, but I am not feeble.
I tapped the "Set" buttong with my big toe. Again, the myriad of green lights flashed before me. Again, the digits set back to "00.00". Again I stepped upon the now, not-so-cool surface.
And.... again I watched the dancing green lights
And....again the screen shouted ERROR.
This is getting silly I thought to myself. This time I tapped the Power Button OFF. Waited impatiently about 15 it seemed, and turned it back on.
Green lights, blah, blah, blah....step on, yadda yadda yadda...
I figured this must be a message from God that I am not to weigh myself this day. Probably the sight of a tremendous loss of weight in one day would be a shock to my ticker. Don't want that to happen, especially on Valentine's Day.
With a grateful heart, I turned the little beast off, knowing there will be a day of reckoning yet to come.
But...l for the sure felt good to thumb my nose at my former BFF.

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